Jan Overduin

JAN OVERDUIN earned the Master of Music degree in organ at the University of Western Ontario, studying with Peter Hurford. He won the Healey Willan Prize in 1963; the Festival of Flanders International Organ Competition in Belgium (1970), finals; and the St. Alban's International Organ Competition (1973), shared main prize, finals in improvisation, and the audience prize. Past concerts include over 15 European tours as well as one in Taiwan, and recitals throughout the United States, including venues such as St. Thomas's in NYC, Penn State University, MIT (Boston), University of Alaska, Michigan University (Ann Arbor), and SUNY University in Buffalo. In collaboration with Erik Schultz he has recorded eight albums of music for trumpet and organ, and a solo album of Baroque organ music on the historic Riepp organ in Ottobeuren, Germany. JAN OVERDUIN retired as Chair of the Organ and Church Music Department at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo in 2003, having served there since 1978. Jan is the author of numerous articles and two books (on Improvisation and Bach's Die Kunst der Fuge). In 2006 he retired as Director of Music at First United Church, Waterloo, where he supervised the installation of a 44-stop Gabriel Kney mechanical action organ. Also that year he was the recipient of the "Lifetime Achievement Award", presented by the Kitchener-Waterloo Arts Awards Foundation. That same year he played concerts in Hamilton, Waterloo, Halifax (RCCO Organ Festival "Pipes by the Sea"), Guelph (Guelph Spring Festival), St. Thomas (an inaugural concert), and London. Activities in 2008 included a concert tour (four concerts) in Germany, serving as a member of the Jury for the International Improvisation Competition at the RCCO "Organ Festival on the Grand", as well as being one of the featured recitalists, and a return engagement at King's Chapel in Boston, Mass.
Jan Overduin - organ
Quest For DiscoverySaturday, May 30, 2009
9:00 p.m.
Tickets: $25/$20 (students & seniors)