Rachel Mahon

Rachel Mahon began her organ studies in 2005 under the direction of Melva Treffinger Graham and was awarded the Barwell Scholarship from the Royal Canadian College of Organists in the same year. She continued her studies with Andrew Ager in 2007 and has been the Organ Scholar at the Cathedral Church of St. James since then. Rachel received the Arthur Edward Redsell Scholarship from the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto where she studies organ with Dr. John Tuttle. Currently, Rachel is the Bevan Organ Scholar at Trinity College, University of Toronto and is the organist for the Oratory Children's Choir of Holy Family Church. In addition to playing the organ, Rachel is a choral singer. She was a member of the Girls' Choir of Grace Church on-the-Hill for ten years and achieved the Junior St. Cecilia Award from the Royal School of Church Music. She also sang with the Oratory Children's Choir and was rehearsal accompanist from 2004 to 2007. Rachel currently sings with and accompanies the Tallis Choir of Toronto.