St. Andrew’s Lutheran Latvian Church

This historic church was built in 1878 and is maintained in excellent condition by its current congregation. In 1989 the windows were replaced by a stunningly beautiful set of leaded glass designed by the Lutz Haufschild of Breslau, Germany. These windows have no equal in the City of Toronto. The church is located in downtown Toronto at 383 Jarvis Street, at the corner of Jarvis St. and Carlton St., next to the Allan Gardens, and three blocks east of the College subway station on the Yonge line. It is about a five minute walk from the subway station though one could also take the street car.
The organ (Casavant opus 619) was built in 1915 using ranks of pipes and casework from a previous S.R. Warren organ. In 1984 and 1986 tonal revisions were done to the organ and several stops were added. Comprising three manuals and pedal, the organ has 49 stops, 55 ranks and 3,157 pipes.