Gordon Mansell is Music Director, Choir Director, Composer and Titular Organist at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Toronto, Canada. He is also Executive Producer and Artistic Director of ORGANIX CONCERTS, an on-going year over year international organ festival series established in 2005. In 2017, ORGANIX CONCERTS was recipient of the national Royal Canadian College of Organists Award of Excellence for its part in creating greater awareness of organ repertoire and organ performance. Mr. Mansell has performed with fellow organists David Briggs, Patricia Wright and Thomas Fitches in the 2015 documentary “Beating Heart” produced by Scott Deathe. Mr. Mansell is the Ontario dealer for Allen Organ Company, the world’s largest and most respected builder of digital classical and theatre organs.
As a concert organist, Mr. Mansell has performed organ and choir concerts in Europe, most notably in Italy (2013, 2015, 2017), at the Vatican (2013) and in Poland (2013, 2015, 2016). In the summer of 2017, Gordon performed a solo organ concert in Italy at the finalé event of the 11th Porto San Giorgio International Organ Festival. In Toronto, Canada, Mr. Mansell is a well known and respected organist and is considered one of the leading musicians in Church music. Mr. Mansell has been a participant in the Vatican discussions Musica eChiesa, a Pope Francis initiative to update and clarify the Vatican II document, Musicam Sacram (1967).
Gordon Mansell holds a Bachelor degree in Science from the Rochester Institute of Technology (1979), a Diploma in Information Technology from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Toronto (2001), Bachelor of Music (2006) and Masters in Music (2008) degrees in organ performance from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Music.
For more information: www.glionnamansell.com or www.organixconcerts.ca