ORGANIX has a long-standing commitment to make concerts as appealing and affordable as possible. You may consider building a Pass, even if you are only able to go to two concerts. As in previous years, ORGANIX has Ticket and PASS categories offering three price points for each, General, Senior and Students. Seniors are 65 years of age and older. Students refer to University students with a valid ID. This year, ORGANIX is introducing a special price for organists and organ enthusiasts who are current members of either the RCCO, RSCM or AGO. ORGANIX continues its Free Admittance policy for those 18 years of age and younger.
Save up to 20% off of a regularly priced ticket by creating your own multiple concert pass.
Tickets are priced as General Admission $30.00, Seniors: $25.00 and Students/RCCO/RSCM or AGO Members: $20.00 (plus HST). For your convenience or for gift-giving, should you wish for your tickets or passes to be mailed in advance of the concert, a $4.50 mailing and handling charge is applicable. Otherwise, the ticket will be available at the ticket desk one hour before each concert.