Toccata,Vilancico y Fuga
Alberto Ginistera |
Mieczyslaw Surzynski (1866 – 1924) |
La Grace*
Georg Phillip Telemann (1681 – 1767) |
La Valliance*
Prelude and Fugue in b minor | Healey Willan (1880 – 1968) |
La Tranquillite* | Georg Phillip Telemann |
Aria* |
La Douceur*
Ramon Noble (1925 – 1999) |
En La Silencio de la Noche
Noel Goemanne (1926 – 2010) |
La Generosite*
Georg Phillip Telemann |
Loure (organ)
La Majeste*
Variations on Veni Creator Spiritus | Frank Ferko (b.1957) |
* Performed with Trumpet